How innovation is driving resilient agriculture
A review of the RAIN Challenge 2023
Seeking inclusive and sustainable ideas
Innovation is critical. We need new ways of doing things. We need to not only cope with and recover from consequences of climate change, but also transform lives and communities
Identifying and selecting new innovations
Prepared for the future – Leadership Academy
Jesper Hörnberg (Head of Innovation at GRP) underlines: "Most importantly, we work with the people. So we run leadership training courses, acknowledging that the most important factor in creating this change and making these innovations actually successful and scalable is the people."
Sixteen participants from the eight shortlisted candidates gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2023 for a Leadership Academy to share their innovations and participate in leadership training. The training was led by Jesper Hörnberg (Head of Innovation at GRP), Aoife Hegarty (Independent Consultant/Trainer), Anjali Saini (RAIN Mentor) and Moses Kimani (RAIN Mentor).

Thoughts on the Leadership Academy

Other participants pointed out that the Leadership Academy helped them to discover true leadership. Rehema Hassan, General Manager, Xylem Tech, Tanzania, added that “a good leader has to be determined. A good leader is visionary. You must have a vision to be able to make a change.” Ultimately, the success of every project is measured by the impact it has. Or as Vincent Sinikubwabo, Founder and Managing Director, Rwanda Environmental and Cultural Organization (RECO), puts it: “You have leadership in you. So you come up with a solution to solve that problem. So it has a great impact, a positive impact, and it motivates you to get good solutions even for the development of the country from the ground up, which is the local community, the sector and then the development of the country.”
The learning experience helped the participants to embark on a longer journey of personal growth and it provided ideas on how they can foster their organisations.

For anything to move, there must be direction. That direction is given by a leader, who is basically at the steering wheel. So you need that leadership to organise, to build the team, to drive the team in the direction of the project.

The Leadership Academy has enabled me to learn how to use the information on leadership in terms of my organisation’s growth. I have also been able to learn how to understand people’s feelings, and how to respect their decisions, because we have diverse decisions, we have diverse ways of handling other people, and we need to know how to appreciate them and work in harmony.
Our final winning projects
After the Leadership Academy, the mentors, project managers and jury members reviewed all shortlisted initiatives once again. The most promising will now receive financial support for implementation as part of the RAIN Challenge. They will also continue to receive expert mentoring as they move onwards and will be connected to potential funders from across GRP’s network. We look forward to evaluating these projects more closely after their first year of action in 2024.
We hope that we can contribute and support them in unlocking their potential to transform agriculture. The following four projects receive seed funding to implement the first steps of their action plan:
Carbon Farming for Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability and Profitability
Organisation: Food Security for Peace and Nutrition Africa (FSPN Africa)
Country: Kenya/Tanzania
Preparation of nanofertilizer based on agricultural and industrial waste
Organisation: Bio and Emerging Technology Institute (BETin)
Country: Ethiopia
Resilience through Regeneration
Organisation: Itanya Africa Group
Country: Kenya
Transforming Agriculture for Sustainable Futures: Empowering communities through innovative and nature-positive practices in the Kikube and Hoima Districts
Organisation: Centre for Ecological Governance and Gender Initiatives (CEGGI)
Country: Uganda

New ways of transforming agriculture – an outlook
The climate in Africa is becoming more and more unpredictable. Especially in East African countries, natural hazards and climate change pose major challenges for the agricultural sector. RAIN supports the transformation of the African agricultural sector towards a nature-positive and resilient future. And, as the reactions from the Leadership Academy show, this is falling on fertile ground.
The second phase of the RAIN Challenge started in December 2023. We look forward to more innovative and inclusive projects and will continue to support this great initiative together with GRP.